Happily, Greg was able to make some sense of it all and banged it all into a fairly-coherent 2 1/2 hour chat.
There's a big swath of it on Free THC that you can download here (grok the copious show notes) and there's even more to be had on THC+.
We talked a lot about the election but also talked a lot about Bell Labs, the Roswell Ritual and Lucifer's Technologies, the Sumerian origin of the Prometheus/Lucifer archetype and the shadowy machinations of MK-OFTEN.
I hope you enjoy it. Share your feedback here, I'm interested to hear what you think.
There's a big swath of it on Free THC that you can download here (grok the copious show notes) and there's even more to be had on THC+.
We talked a lot about the election but also talked a lot about Bell Labs, the Roswell Ritual and Lucifer's Technologies, the Sumerian origin of the Prometheus/Lucifer archetype and the shadowy machinations of MK-OFTEN.
I hope you enjoy it. Share your feedback here, I'm interested to hear what you think.