Symbols follow trends, and vice versa, so understanding what symbols are circulation can help you figure out what's brewing in the Collective Unconscious. Now, I spent a lot of time in December and January writing about water symbolism, and wrote this in one post:
As I said on William Henry's show in December (and here as well) we need to be on the lookout for water symbolism this year, as well as mermaid/mermen and other symbols associated with Sirius in esoteric lore. The recent Serious Mysteries posts explored these memes in depth, particularly as they relate to James Cameron, who is obviously very deeply obsessed with both aliens and the oceans (and Gus Grissom, strangely enough).Strangely enough, mermaids were featured on the episode of 20/20 that I briefly appear in, but the biggest story of the year- of the past several years- by far is most certainly water-based: the BP/Deepwater Horizon catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico.
I explored some of the memes emerging from this story on Tuesday (though I neglected to mention the horizon="Horus-zone" etymology bit).
I haven't done more since I've been very busy with work, but I'm sure a story this size is chock full of weirdness lurking beneath the surface.
Another reason I've not done more on the Gulf story is that there's an aura of unreality around it, given the massive destruction to the environment and the economic pain to the population it's causing.
And sure enough, it was on the 17th that BP CEO Tony Hayward was dragged before a congressional committee to explain his company's response. It was also on the 17th that Barackobamun wringed some serious concessions out of BP, to the tune of $20 Billion, and longtime Secret Sun readers are well aware of how obsessed the man in the Oval Office seems to be with the number 17.

Where it's all going I'm still not sure, but I'm not exactly comforted by the fact that a similar scenario was featured in both The X-Files and the film Knowing, especially since the latter film ties in a little too neatly into what's been going on on the Sun lately.
I do think it's interesting that the Gulf of Mexico certainly figures into ancient astronaut lore and that BP's other endangered rig is called the Atlantis.
Speaking of which, remember also that a French team recently announced that they had found a submerged Mayan city not all that far from the Gulf.
Would the powers-that-be engineer a disaster like this to draw attention away from a find like that, particularly if this sunken city was filled with, shall we say, seriously anomalous features? It is interesting to note that the archaeologists in question are keeping the location of this city secret.
There is a lot more to the Gulf story than we're being told, and it connects to these deeper symbolic themes that I've been telling you about for the past year or so. Of that I'm sure.
Understanding these themes and where they may be leading us to is the only reason I put so much of my time into this blog. Because I have a feeling that we're all headed for some very deep waters indeed.

SYNC LOG REDUX: Care to guess which X-Files rerun is on Syfy tonight?
UPDATE: Did someone say water symbolism?