Thursday, December 31, 2020

Two Minutes to Midnight (Give or Take)


update: Here's the show in its entirety

I will be on the Aeon Byte livestream tonight at 8 PM EST to discuss and explain The Endless American Midnight. There is most definitely a method to my madness with this volume, and I will lay all that out to Miguel and all you fine folks out there. 

You don't want to miss this one. You have my word as a writer.

Monday, December 28, 2020

One Mithras Morning in Nashville

A lot of people have been talking about the very weird bombing event outside the AT&T building in Nashville. All kinds of strangeness seems to be emanating from it, all of which is quite interesting but has nothing to do with what caught my attention.

See, setting off an explosion on Christmas morning just screams "ritual" to me, and the AT&T connection only makes those screams louder.

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

It's Not "Coming." It's Here.

Dan from The Cosmic Keys Podcast invited Miguel Conner and I for an epic roundtable on 2020 and what the New World Order might have in store for us. I argue that what we're seeing now is actually the end of an old cycle and not the beginning of a new one, and new powers and presences are already making themselves known. 

Monday, December 21, 2020


First of all, thank you all so much for supporting this project. The response has been overwhelming. Just absolutely incredible, and totally unexpected. Can't begin to express my gratitude.

Now the news:

1:42 PM EST: Updated PDFs have gone out. Newer and betterer! Again, check your spam folder if you don't see them.


I have three different formats for The Endless American Midnight now: 

• standard ePub
• simplified ePub for Android readers 
• PDF formatted to be phone/pad friendly

NOTE: The table of contents in all three formats is hyperlinked, so you can click directly on the chapter you want to read. Be sure to bookmark it in your reader.

If you don't see your books in your inbox, CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER.

• Email services have gotten very tetchy with incoming messages with attachments.

Add my email to your contacts! Email servers are less likely to spam incoming attachments.

If you didn't receive your books at all, please let me know.

• I got a few notices without emails and a couple I wasn't sure were for the book or the ePubs. 

PayPal has also been very buggy in the past couple of days, probably because of all the shopping traffic. For instance I just now got a notice sent five hours ago.


• I'm supposed to get my first shipment and the other orders Wednesday! VERY happy about this- the books are coming in 10 days ahead of the initial estimates.

• I will be getting the first wave of mailings ready this weekend. I am very highly motivated to get your books out, on account I don't know where the eff I'm going to store them.

Thanks to you all again- much love.


Sunday, December 20, 2020

72 Hours of Midnight (Updated)

Lots of action and adventure here at Secret Sun Central. First off, I'm due to get my shipments of the Endless American Midnight paperbacks this week, two weeks ahead of schedule. Allowing for the expected Christmas delays, we will be getting copies out to you wonderful people throughout the week.

And since things are a bit tight in the budget department for all of us these days, I've got The Endless American Midnight: Special Electronic Edition ready for readers who want to experience some Midnight Sun, but can't swing a print copy right now. And it's a very special Special Electronic Edition indeed.

Monday, December 14, 2020

The Never-Ending Ritual: The Sky's Gone Out

Buckle up, brothers and sisters. It's going to be a very, very busy week leading up to the Great Royal Planetary Summit a week from today. I've already got way too much material in the queue, so we'll have to take this one step at a time.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

I'll Hiram Your Abiff, Buster!


Before we get into it, let me just thank everyone out there for the incredible level of interest in The Endless American Midnight. It's simply blowing my mind. I'm really going to have my work cut out for me getting those books out. But I have strong motivation getting them out to you as soon as I possibly can on account of I'll have nowhere to store all those boxes.

So let's back to our regular scheduled mind control programming.

Tuesday, December 08, 2020

The Endless Midnight is Coming

UPDATE 12/8: Thank you all very, very much for the absolutely incredible response!

I've ordered the copies of He Will Live Up in the Sky, along with a few extra, just in case. I'll let you know if there are any available once orders are filled.

I'm just waiting on approvals now to order the copies of The Endless American Midnight, which I hope to do this afternoon. So if anyone wants to squeeze a last minute order, go for it. 

Either way, I'll be ordering a few extras of these as well and will let you know if any are available once orders and comps go out.

UPDATE: Your copies of The Endless American Midnight have been ordered! Will post updates as I get them. Thank you all!!

Thursday, December 03, 2020

We Can't Rewind, We've Gone Too Far

 It's been very hectic here at Secret Sun Central. Syncs have been popping up in Sibyl City like mushrooms after a monsoon and I finally got a project I've been wrestling with for ages wrapped up. I have a half-dozen other projects in various states of completion and my brain's bandwidth is being pushed to the limit by some psionic signal that's seemingly been solving semiotic ciphers I've been struggling with for what feels like centuries. It's the weirdest damn thing.

And then there's the whole Secret Sun II issue to contend with. Let's talk about that.

Monday, November 30, 2020

Let Me Be Frank about Millennium

Recluse and me went on a epic deep Millennium dive, which also acts as a comprehensive overview of early Internet conspiracy culture and parapolitical history in general. This is one you're not going to miss.  

Very much of "where we are and how we got here" kind of manifesto, using the series as a touchstone.

Sunday, November 22, 2020

"We Are Perseus"

It's been a very busy week here at Secret Sun Central. Sybilline emanations have been extremely powerful this week, as one would expect from the living embodiment of Synchronicity. 

I'm getting material ready for Secret Sun v1.5 and wrapping up a mystery project, all at the same time I just happened to inadvertently stumble on the key to many ciphers and puzzles that people have been trying to solve for a very, very long time. 

It's kind of been blowing my mind, to tell the truth.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

On the Road Again, Sure as You're Born

Comedian Eric Hollerbach and I hit the road again and mixed it up for an hour and change on a beautiful day. All kinds of symbolic and semiotic chatter and a bounty of piquant political commentary and scintillating social observation. Plus, loads of larfs.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Get a Piece of the Rock

When doing Synchromystic work, you sometimes stumble onto a highly-charged symbolic ritual no one was even looking for, including yourself. And now we're seeing further highly-publicized emanations of this new and very weird icon I've been tracking. What it ultimately means to the ritualists is still an open question. 

Well, besides the obvious.

Monday, November 09, 2020

Don't Lose Your Head Over the Election


I have a couple famous quotes you may remember.

“The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.” - Benjamin Disraeli

"The Empire never ended." - Philip K Dick

Let's test them, shall we?

Saturday, November 07, 2020

The Headless Rites

You know, people often ask me what the point of all this Secret Sun business is. I mean, don't we all realize that the mucky-mucks are always up to some kind of shenanigans? 

Wednesday, November 04, 2020

And the Winner is Choronzon, Lord of Chaos!

This is what Big Tech, Hollywood 
and Wall Street have spent
hundreds of billions on

Oh, 2020. You minx, you saucy maiden.

If I were a Rockefeller Republocrat (meaning a Globoligarchial impostor trading under the stolen name, 'Democrat') my worst nightmare would not be Trump getting re-elected.

Sunday, November 01, 2020

"The Medusa Movement"

Ah, Cardi B. 

The foul-mouthed but ever-agreeable Miss Terry Babalon comes through for her paymasters yet again. Halloween not only saw a blue Hunter's Moon, it also saw the Demon Star at the apex of its brightness. And right on schedule, this high-priced paper-doll for the occult weirdo elite makes sure the Medusa meme gets maximum exposure before the credulous masses. And at the same time, syncs right alongside my latest goggle-eyed theorizing.

I think I'm in love.

Friday, October 30, 2020

Sync Log: Bono Signaling to the Algol Cult?

It never fails. As soon as you stumble on to some weird mystery no one else was looking for you get hit with syncs that send you even further down the rabbit hole.

So I hopped in the car immediately after decoding the Eye-in-Triangle meme/gesture as a signal towards Algol and Triangulum. I had some stuff I had to get in the mail. I turn the ignition on and the air is filled with the queasy strains of U2's tuneless Madchester knockoff, "The Fly." I can't even remember the last time I heard that stinker on the radio.

What could be the connection you might ask? Well, read on...

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Secret Symbol Master Class: The Three All-Seeing Eyes

 Knowles' First Law, meet Knowles' Second Law.

The First Law is, "Whenever a controversy over symbolism erupts in the media, it's usually disguising a completely different symbolic message altogether."

The Second Law is, "The old blood sacrifice state cults will be re-established under the cover of Woke."

The two laws are intimately intertwined. In fact, the second law naturally springs from the first.

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Scorpio Rising, or Hunter is the Hunted

We all know everything we see and hear from the corporate media is a lie of some variety, but the question needs to be asked: is everything also a ritual? 

Or has the line of demarcation between ritual and reality become so blurred that it's now impossible to tell the difference anymore?

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

To the Shores of (Sam) Tripoli

I had a blast, a hoot and a holler on Sam Tripoli's Tin Foil Hat podcast, which you can check out at his site here. 

I was invited to go on to talk about the Siren but we ended up talking about pretty much everything but. I've been asked to come back for an election special next week, so keep your eyes out for that.

Here's that link again.


Saturday, October 17, 2020

Laugh While You Still Can

The Oracle of Grangemouth by Kara Bohleman

Recently, an Onion knock-off called The Hard Times took aim at yours truly with a piece called, "We Figured Out What Cocteau Twins Were Saying but It’s Too Late, the Prophecy Is Already in Motion." The byline is apparently a fake name, but I'm guessing this guy heard me on Greg's show or another podcast on YouTube. 

Or maybe he was dunking on that other guy running around ranting about the Cocteau Apocalypse.

Wednesday, October 07, 2020

All My Heroes Are Dead, Part 1,984: Eddie Van Halen

 Well, it's that time again, folks: time to mourn the passing of another giant. And also to mourn the abominably pitiful state our culture is in, particularly pop culture.  

Eddie Van Halen, arguably the most influential guitarist in Rock n' Roll history, passed away at the age of 65 after a long battle with cancer. It's a milestone worth noting, even if the strong, confident, high-T America that Van Halen once epitomized has been dead for quite some time.

Tuesday, October 06, 2020

Temples of the Necropolis

Comedian and podcaster Eric Hollerbach was kind enough to take his Highway Diary up my way for a two-hour freeform throwdown on these very, very strange times we all find ourselves in. In order to set the mood, I took him to the Necropolis, which was in all its glory on a ten-best day of the year. 

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Utopia, and All the Other Predictable Programs

Amazon has a new series out called Utopia. Of course, since this is 2020, there is nothing actually new anymore. And so it is that Utopia is a remake of a 2013 Channel Four series. The premise is that a bunch of geeks find a hidden prophecy to a devastating epidemic inside an old comic book and set out to foil the evil corporate conspirators working to make this prophecy come true.

LOL; you know it's a fantasy story when current-year geeks are doing anything but rolling up in total submission to globocrat power. Well, that, plus crying and shrieking hysterically. Plus, doxxing and harassing anyone who even looks sideways at absolute corporate hegemony.

Friday, September 25, 2020

Pledge Week for the Horny Beast

Because we're at the point where the Simulation has gotten tired of gaslighting us and is now just downright trolling us, an article so self-parodic it reads like it was written on a dare has popped up on the HuffPost. That's the dying, desiccated husk of the old Huffington Post, which committed Wokeicide a few years back and is now a haven for shrieking morons of all shapes and sizes.

The corporate media has futile pledge drives for The Satanic Temple at least once a year, so I guess this is the week for it.

Monday, September 21, 2020

"The Armageddon Option"

Oh, boy. OK. Right.

Now, I've been hanging way, way out on a limb, telling anyone who'll listen that we're not going to have an election this year and that something will happen-- hey, right about now-- that would trigger a national emergency. 

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

The Kewties Kult

I was going to write another installment on Raised by Wolves, but I fell asleep. 

I woke up, thought about it again, then instantly passed out again. 

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Et Noctem, in Secundi Ante Bellum Civile Americanum

Guess what time it is? It's sundown. 

No, don't look at your watch.

I mean it's sundown for the Great American Experiment. 

Tuesday, September 08, 2020

Mother May Eye? Raised by Wolves

When I first heard of HBOs new series Raised by Wolves, I yawned. It looked like yet another blast of anti-human brainwash (or "the Agenda") in the guise of "science fiction." It also looked incredibly dated and rather desperate, as it posits a universe in which human-like androids and interstellar space travel are actually possible

Sad, isn't it?

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Make No Mistakes When You Turn on the Heat

For three months, cops and Feds have basically given organizations like Black Lives Matter and Antifa carte blanche on the streets of a number of major cities. This tactic has been helped along by local officials who are both terrified of the people roaming their streets and even more terrified of giving any appearance of cooperating with Trump and his cadres.

Monday, August 24, 2020

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Wet Asp, or the Power to Procreate With (Sons of) Gods


I mentioned the film Immortal (AKA Immortel Ad Vitam) a couple posts back and it stirred some conversation in the comments lounge. I wanted to revisit it for a couple reasons, one of which has to do with some hot-button issues bouncing around the current news cycle. 

The other has to do with us getting a real-time master class in the application of Knowles' First Law.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Who Said It: Joe Biden or Aleister Crowley?

I have to say, some of Joe Biden's speech last night seemed awfully familiar. 

Like, what's this whole "Light" thing about?

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Fake Convention, Fake Election

The Democrats held the first night of the first "virtual convention" and it was even worse than the most jaded cynic dared dream. It looked cheap, shoddy, cultish and archaic, like someone found an old VHS of a bunch of old promotional videos produced by some weird Amway kind of pyramid-scheme sect. With a healthy dose of Scientology auditor tutorials, circa 1993, thrown in.

Saturday, August 15, 2020

From Your Friends at The Secret Sun Institute of Quantum Particle Fraysics

The following is an excerpt from the ongoing apocalyptic blitzkrieg of Sync being documented by your friends at The Secret Sun Institute of Highly Advanced Synchromystic Studies and Secret Sun Institute of Quantum Particle Fraysics. 

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

The Revelations Will Not Be Electrified

How did the Apocalypse begin? 

Slowly at first, then all at once.

Thursday, August 06, 2020

Sunday, August 02, 2020

I Think the Sky is Screaming

So it's Friday night -- well, actually it's Saturday morning at this point-- and I'm out stalking the streets with my spirit animal on the leash and my psychopomp on the headphones and we're all having a jolly old time.

Friday, July 31, 2020

The Little Girls Who Lived Down the Ghislaine

The War in Heaven rages on. It rages on behind the scenes, in the media and in the streets. How much of what we see is real and how much is theatre or glamour is unknowable, but as I've been saying all along, the Epstein/Ghislaine case is a tide-turner. I just can't rightly say who it will wash away.

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Are You Enjoying Your Specially-Curated Reality Collapse?

Secret Sun. Aeon Byte. Two Hours of Show and Tell. Smash that play button.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Now Listen, You

Well, there's an omen for you: a giant pink bolt of lightning striking the plinth that bears the world's most famous drag queen, Lady Mithras Nymphus. Not the big giant bunch of copper there but the stone base. 

I don't know why, but it all seems to make sense.

Monday, July 20, 2020

Wickedness in Highly Strange Places: Wyrd New Jersey

I've been saying all along that the Epstein bust/snuff were/are a much bigger deal than anyone could imagine, very possibly a flashpoint for a total systemic meltdown. 

And here we are a year later and the wheels are well and truly coming off the buggy. Lots of very odd things are now happening in the wake of the Ghislaine bust and a lot of it is parking right inside the Secret Sun Wheelhouse.

Friday, July 17, 2020

Wickedness in Highly Strange Places

2020 has been a very weird year and July has been a particularly weird month. 

It started with Ghislaine Maxwell getting busted on World UFO Day, and as hard as the media is working to keep a lid on the boiling pot, it looks like things have been rapidly unraveling all over the damn place. 

Thursday, July 09, 2020

Not Feeling Very Gleeful

Times being what they are, It's very hard not to look at the assumed drowning death of former Glee star Naya Rivera in the context of the secret wars currently raging at the highest levels of the power elite. 

Wednesday, July 08, 2020

Life in the Fast Ghislaine

Something extremely strange is going on, strange even in the context of 2020. I can't rightly figure exactly what as yet, I can only poke around the edges of it. But I've seen enough to say with a high degree of confidence that none of what is going on is anything close to normal and that it all stinks very, very strongly of sorcery.

Sunday, July 05, 2020

Insane in the Ghislaine: The Janus Twins

Say, did you hear about the rich guy who was obsessed with sex and weird science? 

The guy who turned his posh digs into a orgiastic fuckpad where minors were reportedly sexually abused? The guy who was plugged into networks of prominent scientists and luminaries from entertainment and the world of letters? 

Thursday, July 02, 2020

Ghislaine, Ghislaine, This World is Insane

OK, you've heard the news by now and you can get the lowdown at any number of outlets. You don't come here for the news of the day, you come here to get your fix of "WHAT THE FUCK?" 

And believe me, we got a LOT of that in store.  

This might be one of the craziest things I've ever posted.

Wednesday, July 01, 2020

A Demon-Haunted World After All, Part 2

Twenty-five years after the release of Carl Sagan's landmark skeptic manifesto The Demon-Haunted World, it seems that this world is indeed more and more haunted by demons. But what are demons? Are they grotesque chimeras that Medieval artists borrowed from Ancient Babylon or are they something more subtle, elusive and real?

And was Sagan in fact the unwitting conduit for the worldwide demonic infestation?

Friday, June 26, 2020

Jimmy Fallon's Finger

Spiral Gyre

I had a long chat with the host of The Melt Podcast and had quite the blast going into all kinds of fascinatingly weird topics. This was recorded a few weeks back so we don't go into the riots and such, but we cover pretty much everything else. 

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

(Hollywood) Babylon is Burning (with Anxiety)

I keep telling anyone who'll listen that this Epstein business is a lot bigger than it appears, and that it was a turning point in the Secret War in Heaven. I don't think we're anywhere near the end of the aftershocks kicked up by the Epstein snuff, and I can't say with complete confidence that all of the insanity we've seen in the past six months isn't part of that process as well.

And then there's this Steve Bing business, that absolutely no one seems to believe the official story of.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Monday, June 15, 2020

Seattle. It Had to Be Seattle

Three years ago, I began posting obsessively about a bunch of seemingly-unconnected weirdness that most people thought was utterly absurd and irrelevant but I felt was somehow incredibly significant. And the city of Seattle was a central piece of the puzzle, for reasons I couldn't yet figure out.

But I think the picture is becoming a little clearer now.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Autonomous Zones & Great Sirens.

Seattle, more than many other American cities, built its astonishing wealth on a witches' brew of military and intelligence contracting pork and sweatshop and prison labor

Thursday, June 11, 2020

When The Masks Come Off: Alan Moore's Lovecraft Mythos

JB of Meta-Logic Cafe pointed out that Johnny Carcosa, the great initiator of Alan Moore's Lovecraft Trilogy would be quite the fashion plate these days. Carcosa-- and Moore-- certainly anticipated the times we live in today, when all our social and political institutions begin to melt and fall away.

I seriously doubt the implosion process is going to end there.

Monday, June 08, 2020

The Rites of Spring

A while back, Gordon White and I were talking about the new mass ritual phenomenon and the implications of it all. I asked him how long before we see actual human sacrifice on television. He said we were about 10 years out, and I agreed.

But now I'm starting to wonder if that timetable hasn't been moved up.

Thursday, June 04, 2020

More Apocalypse Relief for You!

Alex invited me back onto Skeptiko to discuss He Will Live Up in the Sky and tributaries thereto. I am showing off my lockdown-hoax COVID beard. If you have a few clams burning a hole in your pocket, send me a nice trimmer.

I hate that photo. Remind me to send Alex a new one.

Tuesday, June 02, 2020

We Interrupt Your Regularly-Scheduled Apocalypse

Need a break from the ongoing collapse of the American urban experiment? Check out this lively and freewheeling conversation on The Cosmic Keys Podcast with your favorite lunatic blogger.

Friday, May 29, 2020

War Across the Nation

Well, by now everyone probably knows what's going on out there. Since it's the weekend and you'll probably be busy keeping an eye on the news, let's just go through a few things and you can get back to it.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Somebody Got Murdered.

I realize it's it was a holiday weekend and everyone is busy with other things, but a random search threw me down yet another rabbit hole and I felt the need to share it. 

So let's revisit a few familiar topics because some fresh connective tissue seems to have grown after we last spoke. Plus, more insane, impossible updates.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Would You Kids Please Stop Asking When It Ends? It Never Ends.

Jesus Christ Pose

Pathological obsessiveness and a surplus of downtime are a dangerous combination for people like me. 

Case in point: I was looking over yesterday's post and a (black) whole (sun) host of new synchronnections fired up my damaged neurons, revealing all manner of subtexts that I should have included in the piece. 

Well, there's no time like the present, right? Get ready for another deep dive, folks...

Monday, May 18, 2020

Now Don't Go Saying I Didn't Tell You. Because I Did.

Today marks the third anniversary of the start of the Apocalypse. Or at least it does for me. 

Three years ago, Chris Cornell ("Horned Christ") swam to the Siren at the MGM Grand Hotel on the banks of the Detroit River, and consequences will never be the same.

Friday, May 08, 2020

Deep Diving: Beyond the Black Rainbow & Mandy

Regular Sun readers already know I am a huge fan of Panos Cosmatos' two feature films, Beyond the Black Rainbow and Mandy. 

I'd go so far to say they're among my top five movies of the past two decades, if not the top three. If there were even just a few more like these I wouldn't be so pessimistic about cinema.

Wednesday, May 06, 2020

Gaslight a Go-Go: Murder Hornet Edition

Well, just as Coronapanik in the Year Zero begins to recede, we're hit with a new plague: MURDER HORNETS. Or as I like to call them, "hornets," seeing that murder and hornet are redundant.

Full Moon Fever

Very busy, will have some fresh rants and ramblings up soon. In the meantime, you know what time it is....

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Space is an Altar: Swan Swan H

Well, well, well. Here are again. I'm sure you were all expecting as much, it's just a question of when and where the dice would fall.

Congratulations for surviving the latest near-earth asteroid impact by the way. Of course, the night is still young.

Monday, April 27, 2020

This is What the Secret Sun Trained You For

After the 2016 Elections, Henry "Roids" Rollins was widely quoted as telling all his fan that, "This is what Joe Strummer trained you for."