Friday, September 25, 2020

Pledge Week for the Horny Beast

Because we're at the point where the Simulation has gotten tired of gaslighting us and is now just downright trolling us, an article so self-parodic it reads like it was written on a dare has popped up on the HuffPost. That's the dying, desiccated husk of the old Huffington Post, which committed Wokeicide a few years back and is now a haven for shrieking morons of all shapes and sizes.

The corporate media has futile pledge drives for The Satanic Temple at least once a year, so I guess this is the week for it.

The article is credited to a "Jamie Smith," who claims to be an attorney and a single mom. My guess is that it was written by Lucien Greaves himself, whose alleged deep intelligence connections offer alleged access to the alleged media whenever he allegedly asks for it. 

Since Reality has become so warped, it's impossible to tell the difference between this drivel and an Onion or Babylon Bee article.

Love the juxtaposition here

The Satanic Temple is a blatant and cringe-inducing psy-op, propped up by big money and clown-orgy media like the HuffPost. And Twitter helpfully features their foolishness on its front page, even though its tweet count was rather paltry. 

But the kind of soulless vessels who work in Big Tech are always keen to shill for the fake-rebellion agenda, stuck as they are inside the backdated fantasy worlds of the sad, delusional Boomer professors who programmed their weak minds at $70K a year colleges.

I have grave (or Greaves) doubts this "Jamie Smith" person actually exists, and this crap reads like pure cult propaganda and a free advertisement for the ST.  It's so hilarious to see how Greaves-- who was previously involved with republishing Ragnar Redbeard's extreme-right manifesto Might Makes Right -- has tailored his grift for social justice warriors. 

It's doubly hilarious considering that every single, solitary Satanist I'd ever come across for most of my life was also a doctrinaire Fascist, if not outright Nazi. And as I have no reason to believe that Greaves believes any of the gender studies mindrot he peddles like pixiedust to the weak and gullible, I think he just saw a bunch of suckers and rubes ripe for the plucking. 

Hey, nice work if you can get it.

And because the Simulation doesn't know when to stop trolling, the Church of Satan popped up on Twitter to slam Greaves' sideshow. 

I sense a bit of professional jealousy afoot, since the CoS is yesterday's news and doesn't seem to have access to that sweet, sweet CIA moolah. But it's not like anyone cares one whit about the Satanic Temple, so no harm done. No one who doesn't work in some Woke digital-media deathtrap, I mean.

No matter who's peddling it, Satanism is corny, cringey and sad. It's also fake as fuck and not a day older than the electric light bulb. No one cares but sickos and the Media. But I repeat myself.

The Temple are canny marketers-- they've even copyrighted Eliphas Levi's Baphomet. They took out the boobs, since even a hustler like Greaves isn't quite ready to let all of the cats out of the bag yet. Do note that Levi's Baphomet not only has hooters, but its head looks not unlike a diagram of a uterus. 

You might also argue it has three dicks, too. 

Bapho, have your people call RuPaul's people. You're a shoo-in for Drag Race.

And speaking of RuPaul, there's this, just in case you forgot about it.

Greaves clearly knows where the action is, so he's fixated his attention on the locust plague of our times: wealthy woke white women, or W4's. Say what you will about the guy, Greaves isn't a fucking idiot, so I doubt he believes in Satanism, theistic or otherwise. 

He does seem to have a very creepy interest in getting the Temple's talons into young children (as evidenced with their Baphomet icon), but that just goes with the territory. Satanism is extremely popular with sex pests, despite whatever your favorite NPC has been conditioned to say about the "Satanic Panic."

The Temple is not only going after women-with-uteruses, they seem to be very popular among those apparently without. Maybe my eyes are finally going, but I could only spot one or two potential uteruses in that article in Bustle. The ginger there uses "they" pronouns, so I'm guessing there's no Baphomet buried in her belly. 

Hey, whatever gets them through the day, Satan love them.

The Satanists-without-uteruses are now making headway into the political area. You go, girl (without a uterus)!

Someone at the Globe snuck in a little pun there. Have they been canceled for it yet? Probably.

Globalists worship the Horned and Hidden One,
Gotthard Tunnel, Switzerland

But since this is all clearly a troll as well as a grift for Greaves, he seems to throw hints at who's really  backing his play, and that's the disciples of the Horned and Hidden God, who some call "the global power elite." 

It's understandable to mistake the high monkey monks as Satanists if you don't know the history. But as much as they might be sex pests, they're not stupid enough to waste time on Satanism. Why worship the loser in someone else's story, especially when they know exactly who that loser was actually based on?

I mean, come on. Their god is infinitely more frightening than some punk-ass pussy devil. Sheesh.

Note this clever little provocation, which gives the game away. 

"Abortion as religious ritual" was one of those claims that the mainstream media screamed for years was just Fundamentalist hysteria, but Greaves has clearly blown the cover of their mutual overlords here. 

Or maybe the Simulation took too many bath salts and OD'd on Jack Chick comics and 700 Club reruns. I just hope Pat Robertson doesn't go down in history as a great prophet.

Either way, sacrificed children are the favorite midnight snack of Ba'al Hammon, the Canaanite/ Carthaginian incarnation of the Horned and Hidden God (horns sold separately, apparently). 

There were two Ba'als ("Lords") then, Hammon and Adad, representing Saturn and Jupiter, respectively. They were pretty much neck-in-neck until the Romans took over everything, and established their guy on the throne. 

The Carthaginians were their arch-enemies for quite some time, so you can understand why Rome wasn't big on Hammon, AKA Saturn AKA Kronos AKA you name it. Nor on killing babies ritually. Romans would just chuck 'em in the Tiber if they didn't want them. No ritual required.

The Bible records Ba'al Hammon as Molech, who people still think is an owl because of some dumb mistake Alex Jones made 30 years ago. Then again, Molech may be Ba'al Hadad, who was of the Zeus-Jupiter lineage identified with a bull. Or maybe there were giant ram Molechs. Or maybe everything all at once.

Listen, ancient religion is as confusing and tangled as it gets. No one was overly worried about continuity back then.

Either way, what the actual fuck is the Vatican doing installing a Molech statue in the Coliseum in Rome? Wait-- don't tell me. I really don't want to know.

The Egyptian version was Amun, later Amun-Ra. And is rather boring.

There was the older god Pan as well, a vestige of the wild, old Indo-European days. Pan's cult was mostly rural but the cult's ritual practice of keeping catamites was certainly popular among more sophisticated Greeks. Note the early practice of women-without-uterusism in evidence, as Pan's boytoy Daphnis ("Garlands" basically) has a hairstyle common amongst Greek housewives. 

We'd later see this riff in the Church with the angels, who were usually depicted as women-without-uteruses. Go look for yourself if you don't believe me.  Religion is complicated, OK? Chill out.

The depictions of Satan in Pan cosplay are apparently rather recent (the Victorian Era, specifically), since the Medievals usually depicted Satan as a monster, and often as a Bat-Man.

That's right: the world's most popular superhero is basically Satan. Biff! Bam! Pow!

Where was I? 

Oh right, the Celts had their own version of the Horned and Hidden God, Cernunnos. Whose name is pretty much Kronos, least the way I see it. Nobody knows anything about him because the Celts weren't real big on writing things down. Too busy sacking stuff.

Anyway, someone in Libya took a little of this from Ba'al Hammon and a little of that from Amun, then threw in some Jupiter (literally, "God the Father") and came up with Jupiter Ammon, whom big swinging-dicks like Alexander the Great and Hannibal worshipped in secret. 

Considering Jupiter Ammon gets a shout-out in the Great Seal (he's the chap who Annuit'd our Coeptis), I'd say folks have been doing that ever since.

My crazy, spitball theory is that Jupiter Ammon was actually identified with Saturn, hence the distinctive goat-horns. And maybe since Saturn or Hammon or whoever was on Rome's shitlist, that maybe Ammon was worshipped as Saturn in secret. 

Hence,  Saturn was the "rebel" against Heaven, then called Olympus. Also, the Adversary -- or rival to Jupiter -- in the Heavenly Court.

Another secret cult connected in some way or other to Ammon was Mithraism. Mithras was also identified with Saturn and, coincidentally, was famous for hating people-with-uteruses. Plus, dressing as a person-without-a -uterus (see Liberty, Statue of). 

There's at least one woman-without-a-uterus and  Mithraists in that Raised by Wolves  show, but I wasn't interested enough to see if they ever ironed out the theology.

Now I've heard said that the big struggle with these priesthoods back in the day was over which age it was, Taurus or Aries. It's safe to say that Mithraists landed in the Aries camp, seeing as how their big icon was their boy killing a bull. 

The Mithraists showed that Saturnians had pretty shit luck when they got their asses kicked by Constantine, who worshipped Sol at the time (Sol essentially being the new Jupiter). Then ol' Conny got right with Jesus, who was arguing it wasn't the Age of Taurus anymore either, it was the Age of Pisces. So there. Suck on some of that, tough guy.

Now, get ready: another swivel-eyed Secret Sun theory coming at ya...

 Since it's obvious that the modern Saturnians aren't so hot on people-with-uteruses, and seem to want to eventually upgrade them with a new-and-improved model (plus, birth bags), I can't help but wonder if all this talk about "smashing the Patriarchy" is some kind of long-game memetic virus injected into the culture. 

Meaning they actually want to smash the Piter-archy, meaning the Jupiter cult, whatever form it may be in currently.

Hence, they're greasing conmen like Greaves and a hundred-hundred million hyperprivileged women's studies victims to seed this meme, at the same time becoming more and more brazen about wiping out the last remaining vestiges of the God the Father cult, meaning the Church. 

And simultaneously, aggressively pushing the women-without-uteruses meme, which as a religious practice goes back to Sumer (at the very least). And woe betide any JK Rowling who may stand in their way.

So just to keep score: catamites, child sacrifice and women-without-uteruses as queens/ consorts/ priestesses are three of your Saturn/ Kronos/ Ba'al/ Ammon cults' basic food groups. Religious obligations, basically.

And modernizations thereto seem to be very, very, very important to someone now, seeing as people have actually been conditioned to vote on these issues without understanding where they actually stem from.

Where's it all heading, I ask?

I can't say, since I don't get copied on their emails. But I can say that the logo for NASA's latest scam (Artemis) looks a lot more like Tanit than Phoebe to me. Tanit being Ba'al Hammon's honey-pie. 

Who may or may not have had a uterus, but definitely loved her some smoked baby. It's what's for dinner.

I can also say that whatever's going on out there seemed to really ramp up with the death of Chris Cornell, AKA "the Horned Christ." 

So it isn't just that I'm a sad, old GenXer who's mentally sick with OCD. It's a revelation from on high. You're just jealous.

Speaking of on high, Jupiter and Saturn seem to have been squaring off in the skies every night during this very contentious season. 

Omen? Portent? Augur? Prophecy?