Take a good look at the future, my friends. Pretty much everything I've been ranting about to anyone who will listen these past fourteen years is encapsulated into eight short minutes of canned video of a fake performance in front of a fake crowd gathered in a fake Times Square.
Knowles' First Law is, "Whenever a controversy over symbolism erupts in the media, it's usually disguising a completely different symbolic message altogether."Knowles' Second Law is, "The old blood sacrifice state cults will be re-established under the cover of Woke."
Knowles' Second Law, Paragraph A is, "The old statues currently being torn down will eventually be replaced by the icons and idols of the new/old state cult."
Let's add an amendment that'd been debated on the floor and has since passed into law:
Knowles' Second Law, Paragraph B is, "Cultural spectacles will re-introduce the public to the new/old state cult."
This latest marriage of corporate feudalism and state cultism is so extravagant, so egregious, so explicit as to batter the brain. All amid a plaster pagan pantheon that looks like it was hauled in from the Fountains of Wayne bankruptcy auction. Or maybe donated by the estate of a recently-deceased Mafiosi. Or shipped in from Trump's penthouse. Either way, note the Ring of Saturn/Kronos looming over the proceedings.
And of course, Jennifer Lopez was tapped to officiate and play the wedding cake,
Or is she just the latest faux-diva to sing the part of Mystery Babalon? You know what horse I'll be betting on.
As you might've guessed, I'm not surprised by any of this seeing as how JLo already made the Secret Sunniest video ever back in 2019. I know some of you are still in denial, but this was all just yet another classic case of high priests sidling up against the Sibyl, trying to rub off a bit of that magic for their own workings.
Of course, that's the way it's always worked, at least back to the Bronze Age and likely long before that. That's the only reason why Sibyls and Pythias were tolerated in the first place.
Nothing substantial has changed, outside the invasive reach of the technology. And there's still some folks that might argue that's just a return to the status quo anyway.
And here's an announcement I never thought I'd make: after a three-year interment, the Secret Sun Facebook Group is back.
It wasn't my doing: Facebook reactivated it on their own and press-ganged a member to act as admin. Unfortunately for them, they chose a stand-up guy (and seriously hilarious dude) for the job and he promptly handed the keys back to me.
So if you were a member before, come by and say hello. If you're interested in joining afresh, I'll post the deets within the next 48 hours.
We now rejoin our sci-fi dystopia, already in progress...
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If you want to use Venmo I'm @Christopher-Knowles-14.