Friday, August 16, 2024

I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream into the Void for SchizMemes

Schizoid spirituality is anti-fragile, inherently and almost by definition. The best schizmemes are about clinging to that Divine Spark no matter the cost or the sacrifices made.

The notion that spirituality is an endless diet of white pills washed down with elixirs of love and light is a modern delusion, unsupported by any religious or philosophic tradition throughout history. True spirituality is ultimately about girding your loins to make it through the hard times, the bleak times, the lightless night-sea journeys of the soul. 

People today usually distract and anesthetize away the existential dread, but the true schizoid cannot. They seem to stand forever perched at the Abyss, yet still keep their eyes to the skies. They see the encroaching blackness, yet keep it at bay with black humor. 

The true schizoids seem to understand that 99.9% of all religion, esotericism, occultism and New Age spirituality is total bullshit, yet know from hard-fought experience that the 0.1% of the rest of it is salvific.

Whether through chemistry or neurology, the true schizoid knows the chaos and absurdity of existence experientially. So, while there will inevitably be imitators and debasers, but if you open your third eye you'll be able to tell which schiz-memer has paid their spiritual dues and who's just along for the ride.

Fragile spirituality is the most relentless nihilism generator, as the duped and delusional realize that all those honey-tongued deceivers are selling nothing but smoke and word-salads, whether you're talking a megachurch pastor or a Pleiadian lightworker. 

What I'm trying to say is that not everyone has to crawl their way out of Hell to reach Heaven, but it's always useful to take pointers from those who have.

Without further preamble, let's all mind-munch on some moist schiz-memes....


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