Friday, July 12, 2024

KingKill '24: But First, Ritual Humiliation!

I'm watching the whole Biden meltdown with a bemused detachment, since I don't believe the election will change the trajectory towards world war, no matter who the Sorcerarchy installs.

That said, I am greatly enjoying watching all the liars, shills and bootlickers weeping, gnashing their teeth and rending their garments over what was scorchingly obvious to anyone who isn't a brainwashed submissive. That being that the PuppetKing has been in serious cognitive decline since at least 2018.

And I'd be lying if I said I wasn't also getting larfs aplenty watching the constant infighting between all the Rockefeller Republocrats wearing the skinsuits of the old Democratic Party. 

As I've said many times before, I've never liked or trusted Trump. But it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world if he got in and started dishing out some brutally cold revenge to his enemies, since they are also the enemies of humanity on the whole. 

That is, if they actually are his enemies, and it isn't all just democracy theater. I'm 50/50 on the matter, to tell you the truth.

Everyone with two braincells to rub together knows that this has all been a total puppetshow from the jump. But the wonderful thing that we should thank God for is how this warmongering greedpig has utterly kneecapped the corporate media and the Woke Industrial Complex that brought it to power. 

And don't you worry, it's only going to get worse for those demonic vessels. CRAZY worse. History likes nothing better than smashing to oblivion those who claim to be on its right side. It's done so almost without exception since time immemorial.


Personally speaking, I think there's nothing sadder than supporting a political party, since any party that gets anywhere near power is completely controlled by the GloBa'alists. Certainly in our empire. However, politics has become the religion of the soulless, so there's no changing course now. 

But do you remember that old "oogabooga or death" joke from the Eighties? (Look it up if you don't). My point here is that I do wonder if this actually is all a Babylonian substitute king ritual, only with an extended interlude of grotesque ritual humiliation for a man whose very marrow is deceit and corruption. 

Don't dream for an instant that Grandpa Dribblecup doesn't have a lot of very powerful enemies, even if they found him convenient over the years. You don't get to that level without making a lot of very powerful enemies, believe it.

I obviously wish Resident Biden no harm. In fact, it would be rather hilarious if he was given a second term. He's the Commoder-in-Chief this sick simulacrum of America deserves, and I'd like to watch as his existential incompetence permanently lances the cancerous Woke boil that Obamambi and his Chicago sugar daddies tried to shove up all our keisters.

Anyhow, here's a refresher on the Substitute King Ritual, which we covered back in February...


Babylon is the ultimate spiritual spawning-ground for the Sorcerarchy, and the eternal touchstone for all their gods, beliefs, actions, and spellcraft. No educated person disagrees with that. 

So what did Babylonian soothsayers think about eclipses?

According to Babylonian scholars, eclipses could foretell the death of the king. The conditions for an omen to be considered as such were not simple. For instance, according to a famous astronomical work known by its initial words, “EnÅ«ma Anu Enlil” – “When (the gods) Anu and Enlil” – if Jupiter was visible during the eclipse, the king was safe. 

Well, OK. What if Jupiter was NOT visible? 

That, as the kids all say, gets a bit more complicated.

That's where the Substitute King Ritual comes into play:

The substitute king ritual was an ancient Mesopotamian religious rite of human sacrifice, documented most clearly in Assyria, which was performed to safeguard the king from danger perceived to come from evil omens. 

These omens were generally thought to arise from certain astronomical events such as eclipses. 

Once a substitute was chosen he would be taken to the palace where he was washed, anointed, and given wine and food. He was dressed in the king's robes and decorated with the royal diadem and other crown jewels then placed upon the throne.  

Oh, dear. 

Best include the health and safety of ol' Joey-boy in your bedtime prayers tonight, kids. What comes after will surely be much worse.

This next part of the spell calls to mind (ostensibly-unfounded) rumors and memes that Jill Biden was the Biden's babysitter and started banging Joe on the sly when she was just 15:

Extant ritual tablets also state that a "girl" or "virgin" was chosen to serve as his "queen" and seated by his side. The substitute was also given a statuette to present to the gods of the underworld. 

Which leads one to wonder if these rumors weren't the work of 4Chan autists or Roger Stone's ratfuckers, but were seeded into the public mind for later, more ritualistic purposes. 

Just a thought. 

Or maybe a bit more, when you start to read up on the Babylonian Puppet-King sacrificial ritual:

During the course of the ritual the (real) king symbolically abdicates his throne and a substitute is placed there in his stead for a period of up to 100 days. 

Though he possessed no real power, the substitute king would live and hold court at the palace and enjoy the wealth and prestige of the king. Simultaneously the real king would go into hiding, accessible only to his closest advisors. 

Throughout the ritual many exorcistic rites were performed in order to transfer the danger arising from the evil omens from the real king onto the substitute. 

At the end of this time the substitute is put to death and the real king, having successfully transferred his doomed fate onto the scapegoat, returns to his throne. 

Wouldn't that be a kick in the pants? You could almost imagine a scenario where good ol' Barry returns to the White House after his sorcerers cancel the elections and impose martial law, with the help of all those "migrants" from Eagle Pass, where the Great Eclipse of America will first touch our shores?

Almost imagine, mind you.

Or maybe a bit more than imagination: this story went wide on Twitter whilst I was doing research for this post:

BREAKING VIDEO: Top White House Cyber Official tells O’Keefe in Disguise “they can't say it publicly” the White House wants to replace Kamala Harris and Confirms President mental decline: “Biden is definitely slowing down.”

“I'm just telling you what I've heard… they’re really concerned about it” …“I think they need to get rid of him or her.”

“But no one in modern history has ever said, like, ‘We're not going to renominate the president for a second term.’”

I hope everyone who still thinks that the Regime is bursting with Braniacs and Lex Luthors watches this video. 

And I also hope everyone watches in shock as this thirsty idiot spills state secrets to a laughably-disguised James O'Keefe, who is one of the current top enemies of the state. 


Charlie Kraiger, a Cybersecurity policy analyst and Foreign affairs Desk Officer in the Executive Office at the White House, tells O’Keefe “I had a meeting with Michelle Obama …. Someone asked her, ‘Will you ever run for office?’ And she said, ‘No’ Empathically.” She was like, ‘I've seen all this shit my husband has had to go through and that does not interest me.’

Worry not, fans of functional idiots who sucked their way to power: Joe might well go, but the Fool Queen doesn't seem to be going anywhere.

"@KamalaHarris hemorrhages black staff. She can't keep black staff. They quit on her en masse”

“She will be the vice president nominee. There was a debate about removing her from the ticket, but sadly they didn’t, she's not popular, but you can’t remove the first black lady to be vice president from the Goddamn presidential ticket. Like what kind of message are you going to send to like African-American voters… 

Well, considering African-American voters don't seem to like Kamala much either, you can't help but wonder if there's another constituency that wants to make sure she stays in her, um, position. 

But whoever could that be? 


I guess we'll never know.