Thursday, May 16, 2024

When They Get to Scheming, I Need SCHIZOIDal MEME-ing

While we all sit here wondering exactly when the superpowers will be going to war, we can pass the time by enjoying samples of the next stage of MEME-olution.

There was an absurd notion going around a few years ago that argued that autism was the next stage in human evolution. Besides proving that the people making this argument didn't know jacksh!t about the theory of evolution, it got me to wondering how many autists are just misdiagnosed schizoids. 

Quite a few, I'd wager.

You can wager too, as you survey this sampling of schizoid and semi-schizoid synoptics from the deepest recesses of the Information Stupor-Highway. Don't try to "understand" them with your rational faculties - these are pre-Apocalyptic koans, meant to help you reach schizotopic satori. 

It's reason beyond reason. It's knowing by unknowing. 

Or something.

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click on the Moon for details

Don't forget to click on that Moon there to enroll for the 2024 spring/summer semester at the SSI. For as little as three dollars a month you can join in the most immersive and elaborate database of Synchromysticism anywhere in the world.  
You know the old saying: "Come for the scholarship, stay for the fellowship."

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And don't forget The Spandex Files
The Spandex Files is 280 action-packed (and lavishly illustrated) pages of information and edutainment, filled with the chills, spills and laughs you've come to expect from your pal here at The Secret Sun! 

The Spandex Files has a painstakingly-curated mix of out-of-print articles from classic comic fanzines, revised and expanded Secret Sun classics, and several never-before-published pieces as well!   

The Spandex Files is available in paperback and hardcover! 

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