Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Walpurgisnacht is now SCHIZOIDMEME-nacht

If memes are magic, then schizoid memes (AKA SchizMemes) are the sacred texts of the 21st Century's descent into post-Descartian dissolution. 

SchizMemes are Living Dada, Post-Psychedelic Koans, Prayer Cards for the Idiot Apocalypse, Divine Messages from the ultimate Trash Stratum.

To meditate upon schizoid memes is to free the innermost soul from the GlowBa'alist Black Iron Prison of lying science and inverted information. And the ultimate act of contempt against the Sorcerarchy is to usurp one of their most sacred nights and repurpose it to bask into the cold, warm dark glow of sacred schiz.

I'd put out the call on Xwitter for some blessed schiz and I was NOT disappointed. Meditate on these schiz, semi-schiz and schizjacent memes and find sweet relief, seeker.

A hearty Secret Sun salute to all who laid bare their schizoid souls.