Saturday, September 02, 2023

SecretSun Rerun: The Way We All Became the Freemie Bunch

It's been a long week - I could use a larf. So could you, I bet. And what's funnier than Freemish obsessive-compulsive ritual symbolism in the absolute dumbest places to insert it?

That's right - nothing.

But first, don't forget the coming livestream on Corporate America's new favorite techno-pagan harvest festival on Saturday SUNDAY night at 10 PM EDT over at the Secret Sun Institute of Advanced Synchromysticism.

How can you join in?

click on the Moon for details

Well, just click on that big ol' moon there and enroll for the fall semester. For as little as three bucks a month you can get access to more high-density esoteric edutainment than you can shake a stick at.

 • • • • • • • • • • • 

Now let's get into it...

Much more than a hunch...

 Keep on Movin' through all
those Degrees, Silver Platters!

Heyyy... that Silver Platter almost
looks like a platinum album!


Blue and White of York Rite Master

Blue and Gold
3 and 3

Blue and Gold
3 and 3

Worshipful Master Pete Sterne ("Rock-Star")

Note pentagrams

Blue and Gold

The G--- Greg's Generative Force
and the All-Seeing Peter

Rainbow, Girls

Rainbow Girls

"Super Excellent Master"
climbin' those stairs!

Keep on movin', fellas!

"And I looked, and behold a pale horse:
and his name that sat on him was Death,
and Hell followed with him."


And last but not least....
Mike Brady was an architect. 

A grand architect at that!

Keep on movin', Mikey!