Friday, March 30, 2018

Apocalypse Week in Review: The New Gold Dust Age

That looks comfortable.

Some of you might roll your eyes when I remind everyone else that Apocalypse means "unveiling."

But that's exactly what we are seeing now: all the goodies they've been toiling away on in Lucifer's toyshop since 1947 are getting their great unveilings. 

Ready or not, the curtain's being lifted and your new reality is being rolled out. Pucker up.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Mermaid Apocalypse: Meet Your New Gods, Part One

Oh, you still think this Mermaid thing is just a fad, like vampires and zombies? 

You poor soul. It will probably pain you to discover that this isn't about some fad, it's about the new religion. 

Don't take my word for it; read this editorial in The Kentucky Herald-Leader, part of the nationwide McLatchy media empire. The sex-mad fish-man is not a monster, he is actually Jesus Christ incarnate.  

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Eye Wanna Be Sedated

Bruce Rux, author of the absolute must-have foundational text Architects of the Underworld, had a very interesting take on the definitions of disinformation and misinformation. 

Disinformation, Rux argues, is when an official source feeds you false information. Misinformation, on the other hand, is when an entirely unreliable and disreputable source feeds you true information, which was usually fed to them.

Friday, March 23, 2018

Yellowstone Apocalypse, or What Worries Me Most

There is so much going on out there, so much mischief and madness being thrown at us, so many toys coming out of those DUMB labs and archonic think-tanks that I can hardly keep up with it all. Then there's nightmare in Austin that seems to have risen like Cthulhu from the deep, dragging a gaggle of potent symbols in its wake like tin cans behind a newlyweds' Studebaker.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Nephilim, Seraphim, Let's Call the Whole Thing Off

The Pearl entrainment campaign train keeps-a-rollin', and hot on the heels of the Gucci's Pearl-heavy 2018 advertising blitz--which seems to have been the official kickoff for this particular liturgy of the Never-Ending Ritual-- the floodgates have well and truly opened, the levee's gone and broke, the dam has finally burst. 

Monday, March 19, 2018

Dubai is Babylon 2.0

I get the feeling a lot of people still don't quite take Dubai seriously and see it as a weird artifact of a prolonged oil boom that brought shiploads of eff-you money to a bunch of desert sheikhs who never quite figured out what they wanted to do with it all.

Friday, March 16, 2018

Apocalypse 2Night: What Could Go Wrong?

A Silicon Valley startup that literally wants to kill you so it can preserve your brain for future digitizing and uploading? 

What could go wrong? Sign me up already.

Monday, March 12, 2018

Apocalypse 4Ever: Snowblind

I'm back. Did you miss me? Oh, you did? That's so sweet, thank you.

Tuesday, March 06, 2018

Secret Sun Picture Parade: Orange Entrainment

I'll just post these images without comment and let you make your own sense of it. 

Monday, March 05, 2018

Oscar Recap: Yeah, Yeah, Osiris. We Get It.

Well, another year, another Academy Awards. And another pile of clunky, ham-fisted symbolism dropped on our heads.

Jimmy Kimmel, who used to run around asking random women to reach around in his pants pockets on a show that usually went to credits running footage of buxom young girls jumping on a trampoline, is a "woke" intersectionalist all of a sudden and shot up some fish in a barrel with his obligatory yet bloodless Harvey Weinstein jokes.

Jimmy, it would have been edgy to tell Harvey Weinstein jokes last year. This year it's just pathetic.

Sunday, March 04, 2018

Pre-gaming the 90th Annual Osiris Awards

Well, it's that time of year again: time to marvel at the increasingly-obsessive and progressively explicit symbolism of the Academy Awards, aka the Oscars, aka the Ausurs, aka the Osiris Awards. 

Friday, March 02, 2018

Apocalypse 2Night: X-Files or Exophiles?

Resurrect a species, you say. Like what, for example? Oh, like maybe something a bit lanky, perhaps?